executive coaches, voice specialists, content developers, and others
who guide and support the heroes with whom we work.
Here’s our story
Meet Kate Peters

As you read above, Vocal impact was born when an executive was struggling to keep his personal relationships healthy. Working hard every day to rebuild a tech company, he could barely speak at the end of each day. The work to heal his voice saved his marriage, and the work on presence had a positive impact on his leadership team, employees and Wall Street analysts.
I started coaching in earnest when the digital world started exploding. Early on, a client exclaimed, “When I started my career, I didn’t know I would have to be a TV star, too!” My work with senior business people led to creating an approach to intercommunication that builds executive presence as well as physical skills. Today, we coach to ensure our clients will show up as needed on video, on conference calls when no one can see them, and also in the “old-school” way– in person, every day. Read more…